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On behalf of the Principal of Rules & Administration members are advised that the rules relating to the governance of Pipe Bands Australia affairs in particular the ‘Contest Regulations’ are changing. The revised document can be found below and in the documents library in the resource section of this website.
A newly signed  agreement between the Royal New Zealand Pipe Band Association and Pipe Bands Australia will see a triennial South Pacific Pipe Band Championship held in conjunction with the two countries’ National Pipe Band Championships.
Members will be aware that health regulations in response to COVID-19, such as movement restrictions, lockdowns and vaccination status rules in specific locations, is the responsibility of the various state and territory governments. As such, Pipe Bands Australia (National) has resisted issuing umbrella advice to members. Instead we are relying on the interpretation and implementation...
The National Management Committee would like to advise members that the National Treasurer, Tim Bodey has announced that he will not be seeking re-election at Conference. Tim came to the Treasurer’s job during a period of great difficulty for the Association.  He has done an incredible job getting the Association’s finances back on an even...
The Council recently considered amendments to the current regulations surrounding the Drum Major solo event. A trial rule was approved that firstly introduces a Juvenile grade event, and secondly changes the length of the course marched by competitors. This trial rule provides for, and with immediate effect, the course for the adult Drum Major event to...
After careful consideration the PBA National Council has made the significant decision to cancel the ‘in person’ Annual General Meeting and conference and replace it with virtual meetings.
Last week, (Tuesday the 27th of July) a Special General Meeting of the National Council was convened to discuss and make decisions on several administrative matters. As a result Pipe Bands Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Jamie Robinson to the Position of Principal of Rules & Administration. Jamie replaces Phil Weber who...
Pipe Bands Australia is excited to announce the launch of its new web platform. Representing the culmination of many months' work, the undertaking of this initiative has far surpassed a simple website makeover, instead the PBA online services have undergone considerable change with the vision to better connect members, branches and the wider pipe band...
On behalf of the National Secretary Phil Weber all members are advised that today Pipe Bands Australia has emailed out the 2021/22 information pertaining to the registration of Bands and individual solo/ non-band members of Pipe Bands Australia that we hold email addresses for.
Following the recent appointment of Mr Phil Weber to the position of National Secretary, Pipe Bands Australia (PBA) is now looking for expressions of interest from suitable members to fill the role of
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