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April 2020


Pipe Bands Australians sincerely thanks all members of our band family across the nation for their wonderful participation in today’s ANZAC Day – Amazing Grace at 11am. The special tribute has continued our movement’s heritage and tradition of support for veterans on Australia’s sacred day of commemoration. Ninety-year-old Pipe Major Emeritus of Sydney’s Clan MacLeod...
On the eve of ANZAC Day 2020, Pipe Bands Australia thanks the many hundreds of pipers across the nation who will be performing Amazing Grace at 11am. The tribute to men and women who have served Australia in times of war, conflict and peace will continue our tradition over more than a century of providing...
Pipers across Australia are preparing to continue more than a century of tradition by performing on ANZAC Day this Saturday. From their front yards, hundreds of pipers are expected to play Amazing Grace at 11am as a tribute to those who have served Australia in conflict and peace.
The impact of Australian and state government health directives and restrictions in place to combat the coronavirus pandemic are rightly receiving the support and co-operation of communities across the nation.
Pipe Bands Australia’s annual review of band gradings will formally proceed in 2020 with the grading criteria for assessment unchanged from last year. Branch grading committees are requested to provide National Grading Committee, no later than 31 May, for review and decision recommendations received during their competition seasons now truncated by government restrictions in place...
Two new inductees to the Pipe Bands Australia Hall of Fame have been announced recognising their influence and outstanding contribution to the pipe band world - Donald Blair OAM and the late Lew Zilles OAM ED.
World champion pipe major James Cowie and internationally-renowned composer and piper Mark Saul have been named as recipients of the 2020 national awards for Performance.
A series of Pipe Bands Australia online live-time workshops will be conducted by the College principals over the next five months. With the level restrictions in place to combat coronavirus in Australia, National Management Committee and College Principals reviewed delivery of co-ordinated workshops in each branch that had been planned for 2020. Each 40-minute online...
Former Principal Drumming Greg Bassani OAM and Gary Webb have been named recipients of the 2020 national awards for merit and achievement in Education and Training. The selection panel noted that both Greg and Gary had been considered in multiple categories in the national awards. Their precis citations read: · Greg Bassani – As Principal...

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