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Phil Weber

Secretary National Management Committee

Vice Chairman New South Wales Branch


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Phil Weber began his association with Pipe Bands in 2011 when one of his sons decided to become a snare drummer.

For several years he was supporting parent and roadie but in 2016 he was convinced to take up the bass drum mallets and join the band as a musician.   Since then, he has played with the Burns Club Pipe Band as one of their bass drummers and has competed in numerous band and a number of solo competitions.

In 2019 he was invited to join the Australia Federal Police Pipe Band as part of the cast of the Basel Military Tattoo in Switzerland.

As a result of his experience with databases, he has been “back-room support” for the management of the PBA membership database for a number of years and is currently part of the group looking at alternatives to the current system.  This involvement in membership activities led to a growing interest in the management side of PBA.  As a result, he was appointed as Principle of Rules and Administration in 2019, a role he will soon relinquish because earlier this year he was appointed as national secretary of the association.

He holds a Preliminary Certificate in Bass Drumming and an Advanced Certificate in Rules and Administration and is on the Contest Supervisors List for the NSW Branch.