On behalf of the National Management Committee, President Ainsley Hart is pleased to welcome the following members into their new positions;
Phil Weber
National Secretary – secretary@pipebands,asn.au
Phil is a member of the Burns Club Pipe Band and is currently the Principal of Rules and Administration. He will retain that position until a new incumbent can be appointed.
Michelle Haysom
National Assistant Secretary – assistantsecretary@pipebands,asn.au
Michelle is a member of St. Andrews Caledonian Pipe Band and is Secretary of the Tasmanian Branch.
Joel Solak
National Web Master – webmaster@pipebands.asn.au
Joel is a member of the Derwent Scottish Pipe Band and assistant secretary to the Tasmanian Branch
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Steven “Paddo” Patterson again, this time for stepping back into the National Secretary role at short notice and helping the association continue to operate without disruption. Paddo will be continuing as NSW branch Secretary and we look forward to seeing him in that capacity.
Ainsley Hart