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Information pertaining to the 2023 Ballot of Bands has been circulated to Branch Secretaries. Bands wishing to participate can seek information from the state branch or make contact with the National Secretary
As a result of the retirement of Tony Bidgood OAM, RFD, ED we are now looking for someone to take on the role of Principal of Dress and Drill.
In 2019 Pipe Bands Australia announced an annual scholarship to assist with the education and training of young pipers. This initiative was jointly established with the Victorian Highland Pipe Band Association at the bequest from the estate of the late Peter Cook.
In 2019 Pipe Bands Australia announced an annual scholarship to assist with the education and training of young pipers. This initiative was jointly established with the Victorian Highland Pipe Band Association at the bequest from the estate of the late Peter Cook.
At the November 2022 Pipe Bands Australia National Council meeting approval was given for a stand alone Australian Juvenile Pipe Band Championships to be held as a recurring fixture on the Australian contest calendar every alternate year between occurrences of the Australian Pipe Band Championships.  This initiative will give our flourishing juvenile and school programs the...
Day 2 of the Australian Pipe Band Championships has formally finished and here are the results.
As day one of the 2022 Australian Pipe Band Championships draws to a close and the rain begins to fall we're delighted to bring you the day one results below;
Members are advised that Pipe Bands Australia has now circulated the 2022-2023 information pertaining to the registration of bands and individuals to all email addresses on the National database.
At the 2021 Pipe Bands Australia National Conference members were treated to the first taste of a cloud based membership services platform, bridging the gap between branches, bands, members and their stored records within Pipe Bands Australia’s internal systems. After several years of comprehensive research and trials, we are elated to announce this project has...
Christchurch, New Zealand is to play host to the 2023 New Zealand and South Pacific Pipe Band Championships in March 2023 and is inviting bands from New Zealand and around the world to register their interest for the contest.
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