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Originally from New Zealand, Scott was taught by Pipe Major John Downie of the City of Auckland Pipe Band. After completing a Bachelor of Marketing and Management, Scott relocated to Edinburgh playing with Drambuie Kirkliston Pipe Band for a competition season.  
Pipe Bands Australian would like to acknowledge and recognise the service and commitment of the outgoing National Principal of Piping, Mr Brett Tidswell.
Pipe Bands Australian would like to acknowledge and recognise the service and commitment of the outgoing National Principal of Piping, Mr Brett Tidswell.
Members are advised that the 2023 Conference agenda is now available as shown below. Members are encouraged to make contact with their branch and in turn, National Council Members should they wish to know more about the upcoming event.
On behalf of Pipe Bands Victoria, the Maryborough Highland Society, and the Australian Championships Organising Committee, Pipe Bands Australia is pleased to share the entirety of the adjudicators and officials for the 2024 Australian Pipe Band Championships being held in Maryborough, Victoria on 13th April 2024 as received from Pipe Bands Victoria Chair Karen Wallace
The results for the Australian Solo Championships are now available...
The results for the Australian Juvenile Pipe Band Championships are now available...
With members arriving home from overseas Pipe Bands Australia wishes to formally acknowledge and congratulate all those who have contributed to the world of piping and drumming in Europe over the past few months.
Preparations are already underway for the 2024 Australian Pipe Band Championships to be held in Maryborough Victoria. Whilst finer details will arrive in due course the Pipe Bands Australia Victoria Branch in harmony with the Maryborough Highland Society are delighted to already share the following key pieces of information:
Recently Pipe Bands Australia farewelled Anthony (Tony) Bidgood OAM from his role of Principal of Drill & Dress and Council Representative on the National Management Committee in addition to the resignation of Alisdair McLaren.
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