The Peter Cook Scholarship is an annual scholarship to assist with education and training of young pipers jointly established with Victorian Highland Pipe Band Association with a bequest from the estate of the late Peter Cook.
The fund is jointly administered by PBA and VHPBA with annual awards totalling up to $2000 being made over at least the next 10 years and is available to members of Pipe Bands Australia and affiliated organisations.
Peter Cook tragically lost his life in a car accident just days before the 2014 Australian Pipe Band Championships. He had been secretary of Pipe Bands Victoria for more than a decade at the time of his death and had been recognised with life membership of Pipe Bands Australia through the branch.
He had a lifelong passion for piping and pipe bands, but in particular, solo piping and was heavily involved with the former Pipers’ Club of Victoria as an executive member.
His passion for piping and bands was unwavering, and he dedicated much time to the function of every organisation promoting piping with which he was involved.
Peter bequeathed a sum of money for the advancement of solo piping, and his family have elected to establish the Peter Cook Memorial Scholarship in his honour and perpetually acknowledge Peter’s love of bagpipes.
Applications close 30 June annually.